A Colorful Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Spring isn’t the only lively season. There are colorful things all around from fall through winter. We often think of winter as dull and drab, but that’s not accurate. The colors that we notice are mainly indoors because… well, its cold outside. In the kitchen, pomegranates, apples, sweet potatoes, winter squash, pumpkins, and persimmons are all beautiful to look at as well as to eat. You may have a Thanksgiving cactus that is blooming. Outdoors, right now, there are Nandina fronds with gorgeous red berries and Beautyberry that has wonderful purple clusters. Pine, cedar, and holly are vibrant green. Red tips are shiny green and red. Even freshly fallen pine straw is a great color.
Showstoppers in Winter
What about Pansies? They come in a myriad of colors and continually bloom out in the cold.
One of the winter highlights for us is when the Camellias bloom. Some are already blooming now in November. Other varieties will bloom anytime from December through February. That is a real winter show-stopper to look forward to. I’ve even seen Camellias blooming with snow on them and you can’t help but to marvel at that.
Thankful for Mother Nature’s Bounty
We are thankful for many, many things. Below are a few colorful items from our garden that we are thankful for (and we had photos). (Here is a list of things in the photos: canned tomatoes, hot pickles, sweet relish, apple butter, blueberry jelly, a random impressive tomato, pink-eye peas, pumpkins, butternut and Indian squash, and a rainbow of snacking tomatoes)
May you have a safe and peaceful holiday.
Stay warm and cozy this winter. Happy Thanksgiving. We hope to see you next June for blueberry season.