
Introduction to No-Till, Weed-Free Gardening

Gray Hill School FarmTo introduce Gray Hill School Farm to the community, RabbitEye Farm is hosting the school’s workshops for No-Till, Weed-Free gardening. These workshops will introduce participants to the joys of gardening with less work. In each session you will learn how to prepare a garden for Spring planting from a patch of ground not previously used as a garden. The goal is to help as many families, churches, and organizations as possible to get started with their various gardening projects before spring planting.

This is a Gray Hill School Farm Event

There will be no cost to participants, but donations will be accepted.  All donations go toward the efforts of Gray Hill School Farm, a not for profit organization, to do research and educate our community to live abundantly through sustainable practices. There might be an existing metabolic or systemic disorder and the particular person may be using some medicines that may trigger mortality or severe morbidity if taken with prescription. viagra 25 mg This isn’t discount viagra a drug that triggers a man to be recovered from impotency. The convenience and effectiveness levitra canada price of this rectification action the infected and suffering person can achieve relief and escape from all his miseries caused by this disorder. Out of all the issues we all must first concentrate on such issues which are adverse and also could be dangerous. lowest prices viagra  Participants without access to cardboard and cover mulch (such as woodchips, pine straw or leaves) can take some home in their own containers or feed sacks. Currently we have 2 sessions scheduled 10am and 2pm- Saturday March, 5 and also 2 sessions 10am and 2pm- Saturday March, 12. (this may be extended another Saturday if interest is high)


Doug to Present Talk at Hills & Dales Estate

Hills & Dales EstateOn Saturday, September 20, 2014, from 10AM – noon, join Doug as he presents an illustrated talk about honey bees at Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, Georgia2014-06-10 10.23.46He is thrilled to be able to promote the importance of the honey bee and to educate others on their life cycle, habitat, pollination practices and threats to survival.  Bees are important in urban settings as well as rural settings.  Hills & Dales falls into both of those categories. The beautiful gardens there depend on bees for pollination and they understand the need for continuing healthy environmental practices and offer educational programs such as this one to the public.  Keeping a healthy population of bees is a key factor in gardening on any scale.  Doug wears many hats related to This make a man feel shame about himself when he is not having the ability to develop hard free prescription for levitra erection which lasts quite long. It also reduces vigor and vitality. buy levitra online Intra-cavernous injection, pumping devices and contradiction rings are some manually used devices to fill the male organ to make it rock hard during canada viagra sexual intercourse. Ensure your hormone program is under the supervision of trained and cheap cialis in canada highly qualified healthcare professionals. gardening a few of which are being a beekeeper, a gardener and an advocate for the preservation and organic cultivation of plants that are part of a healthy diet for honey bees.  We all need to do our part, and education is the first step.  See live bees in action through an observation hive!  Taste local organic honey.  Listen to the hum of a busy colony of bees.  This workshop is provided through Hills & Dales and will take place at their gardens.  Space is limited and pre-registration is required.  Workshop fees include garden admission, educational session workshop, refreshments and your own jar of honey to take home!  If you are interested you can call 706-882-3242 or email to register.  Check out the bee workshop teaser on their homepage below.  This graphic is a convenient link to the Hills & Dales Estate website.Hill&DalesBeeTalk
