
Were you smart enough to freeze blueberries?

Did you freeze some of those blueberries you picked last June from our farm? Folks, its time to get those antioxidant-rich berries out of your freezer, and build up your immune system – now! If we ever needed a super food, this would be it.

Protect against COVID-19

The news is thick with corona virus warnings and suggested actions to take. Please also pay attention to what you are eating and try to include more antioxidant-rich foods into your family’s diet. Blueberries are one of two fruits mentioned by Dr. Oz in his tips to help protect against the on-coming sickness (Today Show 3/11/20). Whatever you choose to do – do it now, before the brunt of the virus hits our area. Prevention is way better than a cure.

IQF – Individual Quick Freeze

If you did a quick freeze, you have preserved the most nutritional value. This, combined with the fact that they were grown with organic practices, and they came straight from the bush to your kitchen, means they are still packed with antioxidant goodness. Your health and well-being will benefit from these efforts.

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No Need to Thaw

My favorite way to eat them is straight out of the freezer, but you can easily put them (still frozen) into pancake batter and enjoy fruity blueberry pancakes any time of the day. What about a blueberry cobbler? – no need to thaw the berries here either! Here is a link to a cobbler recipe we recommend. Would you prefer blueberry juice? Did you know that frozen blueberries are easier to juice than fresh – its true. Winemakers purposefully freeze berries first, because freezing helps to break the berry skins releasing more juice. You WILL need to thaw them for this.

Thinking Ahead

Farmers are optimists but, as you can imagine, they need to plan and think ahead. When a harvest is as abundant as our blueberries last year, it just made sense to freeze for the future. This is the perfect time to cash in on all that work we did last summer.

Prepare your immune system and give it the best possible chance by getting at least 7 hours of sleep, exercising for 30 minutes every other day, eating healthy food including berries rich in antioxidants and yes, wash your hands.
