What is it about red tones?
Vibrant red captures your attention. That is why stop signs and traffic stop lights are red. Love is associated with red hearts and red roses. Red is also a common favorite color, along with blue. The mixture of these two colors has a wide range in the purple and magenta area, that seems particularly vibrant in nature this year. Perhaps I just never noticed it before and it’s like this every year.
Our 2021 Azaleas were dazzling, and each year, no matter how long they last, it’s never long enough. We have several different colors, and all of them performed well. Even the white Azaleas seemed to be brighter this year. If some of your regular Azaleas (not Encore) need pruned, like mine do, now is the time! That’s right! Prune them right after they finish blooming because they bloom on the previous year’s growth. If you prune too late you will reduce the blooms you will have next year. I will be taking out some of the oldest branches and pruning so that more light gets to the center of the plant and also trimming to maintain overall shape. I don’t cut many branches, but a few each year is healthy. This helps to rejuvenate the bush since new branches come from the center and the older and larger branches get leggy and tend to sprawl. The first photo shows one that needs cut back. The second photo shows one that I pruned last year. You can see that it is fuller and a better shape.
Neon Magenta
This Geranium image (below) was taken from a video off of my phone. If anything, it is a little duller than the actual bloom. The plant over-wintered in our greenhouse, which was mostly like being at a spa. On occasion however, it got well over 100 degrees in the greenhouse from forgetting to ventilate it early enough in the day. For the record, I can tell you that Geraniums can tolerate a lot of heat! I knew they were a full-sun flower, but I didn’t realize they were this tough when it came to heat tolerance. I don’t remember the name of this beautiful variety, but it is practically neon magenta, and I love it.
For the second year, our Crimson Clover in the bee yard has made a wonderful display. It’s really beautiful to watch the wind feather through the blossom stalks and foliage in ripples. HERE is a link to the post with a funny little video I made last year during the 2020 clover bloom. Just like last year, it is like a little piece of heaven, for honey bees.
Electric Green
Looking out the window, the green in the trees is electric at times. It’s late evening and the sun is shining from a low angle. New plant growth has a particularly vibrant green look to it, and everything seems to be putting on vigorous new growth right now.
Below is a photo of a Tulip Poplar flower. Tulip Poplar is a huge tree whos blossoms obviously look like tulips. These blossoms are filled with nectar and the bees love it. I wouldn’t have known that it was blooming because it blooms so high up in the canopy of the tree. Luckily I saw this blossom and picked it up off of the ground. It too has this vibrant chartreuse color.
Colors can also have an emotional or physical effect. Perhaps you have a favorite color, so you would naturally feel differently about things in a color that you like. Wearing a favorite color can also boost your confidence.
Bedrooms are often painted in a cool blue color to promote a better atmosphere for relaxing. Many fast food places use the colors yellow and orange to prompt your appetite.
Did you know that chickens are said to do better with a red light because it reduces stress and enhances egg production? Now, there’s a bit of trivia you didn’t think you would learn today!
Spring is definitely the most colorful season. May it be vibrant and full of wonderful new growth for you.