What a colorful time of year!


A Colorful Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Spring isn’t the only lively season. There are colorful things all around from fall through winter. We often think of winter as dull and drab, but that’s not accurate. The colors that we notice are mainly indoors because… well, its cold outside. In the kitchen, pomegranates, apples, sweet potatoes, winter squash, pumpkins, and persimmons are all beautiful to look at as well as to eat. You may have a Thanksgiving cactus that is blooming. Outdoors, right now, there are Nandina fronds with gorgeous red berries and Beautyberry that has wonderful purple clusters. Pine, cedar, and holly are vibrant green. Red tips are shiny green and red. Even freshly fallen pine straw is a great color.

Showstoppers in Winter

What about Pansies? They come in a myriad of colors and continually bloom out in the cold.


One of the winter highlights for us is when the Camellias bloom. Some are already blooming now in November. Other varieties will bloom anytime from December through February. That is a real winter show-stopper to look forward to. I’ve even seen Camellias blooming with snow on them and you can’t help but to marvel at that.

Peppermint Camellia

Thankful for Mother Nature’s Bounty

We are thankful for many, many things. Below are a few colorful items from our garden that we are thankful for (and we had photos). (Here is a list of things in the photos: canned tomatoes, hot pickles, sweet relish, apple butter, blueberry jelly, a random impressive tomato, pink-eye peas, pumpkins, butternut and Indian squash, and a rainbow of snacking tomatoes)

May you have a safe and peaceful holiday.

Stay warm and cozy this winter. Happy Thanksgiving. We hope to see you next June for blueberry season.



The 2022 berry season has ended

Berry Season has ended

Thank you

It’s July already, Oh my! The June blueberry and blackberry season has ended. Thank you to everyone who came out this summer to pick farm-fresh fruit, we appreciate you!

This past week we saw a few large groups. Its fun to be together with an outdoor activity and also great to take home some freshly picked berries for dessert. Many hands make picking several buckets of berries easy.

RabbitEye Farm 2022 RabbitEye Farm 2022 RabbitEye Farm 2022

Beautiful Folks

It was the last week of berry season and these folks met the challenge to get berries before they were gone. Here is a slideshow from this past week. Thank you again for coming out this season. Put us on your calendar for next summer and enjoy those berries!



Don’t Wait, Pick Berries This Week

Don't Wait Too Late

Open Sunday June 26th, Tuesday June 28th and Thursday June 30th

We are open this last week of June – Sunday 6/26, Tuesday 6/28, and Thursday 6/30
Morning Pick 8 – 11 AM and Evening Pick 6 – 9 PM.

(more information below slideshow)


Don’t Wait

The berries don’t usually last into July, but… they might. Don’t wait too late to pick fresh, straight-from-the-farm, delicious blueberries and blackberries for your family. Get some to eat now and freeze some for the winter months.

Right now the berries are holding steady and really are a dream to pick. The abundance is real! You can easily fill a bucket while you chat with a friend or perhaps enjoy some quiet time with Mother Nature. Our hours are set to take advantage of the cool mornings and shady evenings.

How it works

We provide a bucket and liner. You keep the liner to gently carry your berries home. It’s that easy! The bucket size is two and a half quarts and the price is $15 per bucket whether you pick blueberries, or blackberries, or a combination. So all you have to do is show up… best if you don’t wait.

Do you spray your plants?

Our berries are grown with organic practices and are not sprayed with any pesticide. The only thing we put on our berry plants is rain, and when it doesn’t rain, we water them with spring water.

What if it rains?

Our pick days are rain or shine. The berries are definitely fresh, rain-washed is a bonus! If Mother Nature sends some rain… its a great chance to wear your boots. (Picking in the rain has proven to be more fun than you would think.)

Should I Rinse the Berries (or Not) Before I Freeze Them?

This has come under some debate on whether its best to rinse and dry the berries before you freeze them. We usually rinse them but if you don’t want to, here is some discussion and a link from Southern Living saying not to rinse them. Well, the choice is yours. You definitely don’t have to rinse any pesticides off because we don’t use any. The rinsing, to us, simply freshens them and removes a few stray leaves or stems, but it certainly is not something you have to do.

Berry season is always too short so don’t wait too late! Whether you freeze, can, dry, or jell some for later, you will be glad to have them this winter.

