We are now offering Ready-To-Go blueberries that are already picked, rinsed, sorted and bagged. With an extra option of being fresh or frozen. The quantity is the large bucket size, which is a generous two and a half quarts. The price is $25 while they last.
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If you are interested in purchasing “Ready to go” blueberries, please private message me on Facebook ahead of time so we have time to do all the prep work. We can take PayPal or cash.
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First customers of the season! These early birds know fresh blueberries are loaded with healthy goodness. Berries are best fresh. The nutritional value is at its highest point when you first pick the fruit. Farm to table distance is a key factor that limits the fresh value in stores. Picking berries at RabbitEye Farm, here in West Point, Georgia, provides your family with the freshest fruit possible.
You can pick berries too! Our next pick day is SUNDAY JUNE 2nd. They are best picked in the morning and evening. Hours are: Morning 7AM – 11AM Evening 5PM – 9PM. (mobile device-MORE INFO HERE)
We farm with organic practices, so some eat the blueberries right off the bushes. We do not spray or use any type of insecticide.
Blueberry season is on and in full swing right now! This hot weather is making them ripen quickly and they seem even sweeter this year. Could it be the weather? The bushes are loaded and folks that came out on opening day quickly and easily got armloads of blueberries. Some couldn’t wait to get home and make an amazing dessert and share them with loved ones.
How long is the season?
With the berries ripening so fast, we don’t know how long they will last. You should plan to come sooner rather than later. Berry season is only about 30 days long. (Luckily, blueberries are also easy to freeze.)
Here are some of the beautiful folks that came out on opening day to pick.
We have put a lot into our permaculture quest this year. With the help of David Spicer, (docspicepermaculture.com) earthworks specialist, we have taken larger, more tangible steps this past week. Heavy equipment and many helping hands have made a visible difference, but the work is not finished.
A few of the “next steps” in our 2019 permaculture endeavors include moving a 2,000 gallon tank to a higher elevation. Dean Gentry of 5D-Designs (5d-designs.com) donated this tank. Dean is a fellow permaculture enthusiast and long time supporter of Grayhill School Farm, the teaching non-profit that we host. Thank you, Dean! This tank is a key element in our plan and with the help of a Glockemann pump it will be efficient to fill as well as to use.
Sitting on the highest point of our property, this tank will provide irrigation via gravity for our blueberries, blackberries, muscadines, and rice paddy. That’s right… rice paddy, built by David Spicer (photo below). One of the experiments of Grayhill School Farm, is a series of rice paddies to determine overall feasibility and varietal studies in our area. We are beginning with normal rice (Oryza Sativa) and will progress to black rice, water chestnuts and perhaps even crawdads in the same area. Rice is grown commercially in the mid-west and western United States, so hopefully we can grow it in West Georgia.
Planting the Terraces
The sculpting of the terraces that has taken place this past week must now be seeded and maintained. This time of year is definitely not optimum for sprouting regular grass seed, so we have to use a Millet. With seed ordered and hay already delivered, we have a lot more work to do to protect the terraces and the investment we’ve made in them. There is still no rain in sight, which means they are really dusty and dry right now. Once we get the seed and the hay down, hopefully Mother Nature will send us a few days of solid gentle rain. After this initial rain, we can also start planting our young walnut and fruit trees.
Berry Season
Multi tasking is in order since blueberry season is now upon us. Thursday May 30th is opening day for picking blueberries at RabbitEye Farm. Many of you have inquired about opening day, and this hot weather means they are ripening up fast.
If you would like some fresh blueberries, you don’t need to bring anything special with you to pick, but you may want to bring a hat (a helper is also nice). We supply buckets that have a liner. You simply lift out the liner to carry your berries home. This is the gentlest way we’ve found to transport your berries. Hope to see you on Thursday. Morning pick is 7AM – 11AM and evening pick is 5PM – 9PM. Rain or Shine. Click here to read more.