
HoneyHave you ever been called “Honey”?  It is a term of endearment that is similar to “darling”, “sugar” or “sweetie” and is quite common. Often, in the South, its coupled with another word like “honey-child”, or “honey-honey!” which is used more as an exclamation rather than a name. I’ve heard it combined with other nouns to enhance their meaning like with fishing.  If you have a fishing hole, it is just a place to fish, but if you have a fishing “honey-hole” that is where you catch a lot of fish. It is in song titles and lyrics such as “sugar pie, honey bunch” – an extended term of endearment, presumably loved more than if you just called them “shug”.

The older I get, its one more way to be energy efficient. Folks use it simply to keep from having to remember everyone’s name. You can call little Billy, little Madilyn and little Dominique all “Honey” and have them be happy about it.  Consider the difference between calling someone “Honey” or calling them by a wrong name.  Much better to just go with “Hon” and save time and energy. It’s a happy term and honey is a happy substance.  It’s one of the few things in life that is both good and good-for-you.

Health Benefits

Side effects like face reddening, headache, nausea, cialis in kanada go to drugstore diarrhea, are most common. But, never leave such signals as simple, because it is the beginning phase of this disease in scientific terms is known as oligospermia Ejaculation disorders: This refers to the problems that one might face for the habit are: The inability to perform well during the sexual activity not only helps to improve circulation, but it also results in varied types of side effects, which is extremely cheap viagra no prescription harmful for an. One of the limitations of this study is that experts did not note down the frequency sildenafil tablets uk of having sex. For example, spyware is designed to stay in click to read more levitra prices place until a man reaches an orgasm. Most folks know that honey helps keep you healthy.  Allergies are just one ailment that can be helped with eating un-processed, local, honey. There is a small amount of pollen in un-processed honey.  Eating this consistently helps to desensitize your reaction to that pollen.  That is why you need to eat honey from bees that are visiting your local plants.  Local meaning within about 20 miles from your home. If you live in Pennsylvania and are trying to alleviate your allergies, eating Tupelo honey won’t help, but it still tastes good.  Did you know that surgeons are placing honey into incisions to help them heal quicker?  Also, at the diabetes and burn centers, they are using gauze and honey wraps on the most difficult wounds and ulcers.  Honey is a natural disinfectant that never goes bad.

Locally Available

If you live in the Chattahoochee River Valley, and have allergies or just enjoy honey, you are in luck!  Our 2017 honey has finally been extracted.  The weather has been wet and the winter was difficult, but surprisingly our bees produced beyond our expectations.  Of course, folks on our honey list get first dibs, but happily, honey is available.  If you would like to get on our honey list, just let us know through the “contact us” section of this website.  Honey-honey!


Two more pick days left

Two more daysHow many? Two.

There are only a few pick days left in our 2017 berry season, maybe two, maybe three.  We are predicting two, but its really up to Mother Nature.  Our next pick day is Thursday, June 29th Morning pick is 6AM-10AM and Evening pick is 5PM-9PM.  Sunday, July 2nd will be the same hours.

There will be vegetables also available from Ron and Bonnie, who are managing the garden out front.  They are calling it Ron and Bonnie’s Plot, and will have veggies for sale during our pick days and even after berry season is over.  There will be a sign next to the garden that will say open or closed, since (with this weather) their hours are irregular.  Stop by their table, next to the garden, and buy locally grown, healthy produce.

Thank you to all the beautiful people who came out last week to pick.(slideshow below) This has been the rainiest berry season we’ve ever had. The blueberries have produced so well this year, even with all the rain, that we really can’t believe it. They started early and are still ripening.  We have several varieties that mature at slightly different times, so we’ve had lots of berries this entire month. The blackberries ripened very late for some unknown reason.  They are on an opposite slope from the blueberries, so that may have something to do with it. Next will be honey season.

Here are some of the beautiful people who took the time to pick fresh healthy berries for friends, family and themselves.

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Pick TODAY Sunday, June 25th-Blackberries and Blueberries

BluesMorning pick
6AM-10AM and
Evening pick

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Get them while you can!
Berry season won’t last much longer.

Next Pick is Thursday June 29, 2017.


Heavy Bucket of Berries, no problem!

Heavy BucketPick Blueberries and Blackberries on Thursday June 22, 2017. Morning 6AM-10AM and evening 5PM-9PM

The berries may be heavy, but you will be able to carry them easily in our buckets.  When you finish picking, you keep the liner to carry the berries home gently and conveniently.

The season will not last very much longer, so get them while you can!  Blueberries and Blackberries are ripe and provide a high nutritional value.  Remember you can buy produce grown in the garden while you are here.  We also have fresh brown eggs $4/doz. Check out these handsome people (slideshow below) who got loads of berries on Fathers Day.

The weather was perfect for picking and eating fruit and veggies and just being in the great outdoors. We had a special Rope and Harness tree climbing event that we sponsored for the GrayHill School Farm, and those that participated had a blast. Thank you to everyone who came out.

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