Blueberry picking 2020

Season opens Sunday, May 31st

Blueberry picking is on, beginning Sunday May 31st! (There are limited blackberries available too, but they are ripening a little behind the blueberries.) Hours are morning pick: 8-11 AM, and evening pick 6-9 PM. You can pick both blueberries and blackberries in the same bucket, same price. This year, we are offering one size bucket to simplify and streamline having to make change. The winning size is the most popular (and best value) bucket, which holds a generous 2½ quarts. The cost is $15, same as last year, and the year before that. We provide both the buckets and liners with twist tie. You keep the liner which makes it easy to tote your berries home.

Ripening in the rain

The berries are ripening nicely and seem to be especially huge this year. Could it be this rain? Above are a few blueberry picking photos taken today, May 27th as we got some of the very first fruit (in the rain), and then compared some of them to a quarter! Not all the blueberry bushes produce this size fruit, so we are definitely marking this one! It is scheduled to rain every day this week, but Sunday is predicted to be total sunshine. Did Mother Nature know we would open on Sunday?

Blueberries are an antioxidant-rich fruit which help your immune system. We hope you pick some to eat fresh, and also freeze some for the future months. Check out this post from March 12, 2020. Picking right from the bush gives your fruit the most nutritional value possible. Below are a few photos from yesterday.

What about social distancing?

If you have visited us in previous years, you will know that social distancing is not a problem with so many rows of fruit. The rows are also fairly wide so keeping a distance of six feet away from other pickers is easily obtainable. Our rows are now numbered, so if a really, really large number of pickers show up at the same time, we can assign you a row.

In addition to each bucket having a fresh liner, we have taken some extra measures this year. We will spray the metal buckets with CDC recommended food-service spray after each use, and set them in the sun to dry.

The process of paying and getting your buckets will be only slightly different. Offering one size bucket will greatly reduce the need for change and make things way easier. As always, you can still pay with cash or with PayPal. We are too small an operation to take credit cards.


Were you smart enough to freeze blueberries?

Did you freeze some of those blueberries you picked last June from our farm? Folks, its time to get those antioxidant-rich berries out of your freezer, and build up your immune system – now! If we ever needed a super food, this would be it.

Protect against COVID-19

The news is thick with corona virus warnings and suggested actions to take. Please also pay attention to what you are eating and try to include more antioxidant-rich foods into your family’s diet. Blueberries are one of two fruits mentioned by Dr. Oz in his tips to help protect against the on-coming sickness (Today Show 3/11/20). Whatever you choose to do – do it now, before the brunt of the virus hits our area. Prevention is way better than a cure.

IQF – Individual Quick Freeze

If you did a quick freeze, you have preserved the most nutritional value. This, combined with the fact that they were grown with organic practices, and they came straight from the bush to your kitchen, means they are still packed with antioxidant goodness. Your health and well-being will benefit from these efforts.

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No Need to Thaw

My favorite way to eat them is straight out of the freezer, but you can easily put them (still frozen) into pancake batter and enjoy fruity blueberry pancakes any time of the day. What about a blueberry cobbler? – no need to thaw the berries here either! Here is a link to a cobbler recipe we recommend. Would you prefer blueberry juice? Did you know that frozen blueberries are easier to juice than fresh – its true. Winemakers purposefully freeze berries first, because freezing helps to break the berry skins releasing more juice. You WILL need to thaw them for this.

Thinking Ahead

Farmers are optimists but, as you can imagine, they need to plan and think ahead. When a harvest is as abundant as our blueberries last year, it just made sense to freeze for the future. This is the perfect time to cash in on all that work we did last summer.

Prepare your immune system and give it the best possible chance by getting at least 7 hours of sleep, exercising for 30 minutes every other day, eating healthy food including berries rich in antioxidants and yes, wash your hands.


Berry Season Send-off

July 4th and 5th 2019
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Our longest blueberry season – ever, has ended. What a year 2019 has been for Georgia blueberries at RabbitEye Farm! Spring daytime temperatures got warm very early and nighttime temps stayed cool – luckily without a hard frost. Rain and sunshine were just about perfect. That’s the beginning of a good blueberry season recipe.

July 4th and 5th, we were open all day, for our final pick days still with a good amount of berries on hand. It was humid, hot, and also rained a bit – which is normal (although unpopular) Georgia summer weather.

As the years have progressed, its been so nice to see repeat customers and meet new folks who love healthy and nutritious blueberries. Below are some photos of folks who gave the season a wonderful send-off. They came out to pick despite the weather. Everyone looked like they had fun. Thank you to all who came out to get “Last Chance” blueberries at our farm.

Slide-show of Final-day blueberry enthusiasts.

No time to rest, yet

Berry picking season may have ended, but we didn’t have any time to waste. Sunday we had to pull honey. The spinning equipment was ready and the weather was sunny and dry. Pulling honey is another term for harvesting honey and is not an easy job. It requires gathering everything you will need, which in itself, can take a good hour, getting all the bees safely out of a honey super and taking it off the hive. The frames have to be checked to make sure the honey is ripe, or capped. If it is not capped, that means the water content may be too high in those cells, so it probably can’t be spun. Decisions need to be made and usually it is put back in the hive.

Repeat, repeat, repeat

Repeat this process for all frames in all the supers, on all the hives. Put the ones to spin on the truck and re-configure the hive back together with the correct number of frames. The boxes on the truck have to be kept sealed constantly, or the bees will get right back in them. Pulling honey is labor intensive, the weather is always hot, supers are heavy, bees and people can get irritated. This is a long slow process, just to take it off the hive, uncap each frame, and spin it. After that, it takes another two days because it has to settle and get filtered once more before it goes into the jars. I’m not even counting all the clean-up work required for containers, spinning equipment, tools, and hive components.

In the honey spinning room, 2019.

Our bee-yard is still in a rebuilding stage since we lost so many hives a few years back, but we were pleased with the 2019 honey production. Every hive is not equal as far as ability, but luckily, we had some over-achievers to make up for the smaller hives. It looks like we will only take honey once a year for the foreseeable future – for several reasons, but mainly climate change.


Blueberry Heaven

Fresh is Best

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First customers of the season! These early birds know fresh blueberries are loaded with healthy goodness. Berries are best fresh.  The nutritional value is at its highest point when you first pick the fruit.  Farm to table distance is a key factor that limits the fresh value in stores.  Picking berries at RabbitEye Farm, here in West Point, Georgia, provides your family with the freshest fruit possible.

You can pick berries too! Our next pick day is SUNDAY JUNE 2nd. They are best picked in the morning and evening.
Hours are:
Morning 7AM – 11AM
Evening 5PM – 9PM.
(mobile device-MORE INFO HERE)

We farm with organic practices, so some eat the blueberries right off the bushes. We do not spray or use any type of insecticide.

Blueberry season is on and in full swing right now! This hot weather is making them ripen quickly and they seem even sweeter this year. Could it be the weather? The bushes are loaded and folks that came out on opening day quickly and easily got armloads of blueberries. Some couldn’t wait to get home and make an amazing dessert and share them with loved ones.

How long is the season?

With the berries ripening so fast, we don’t know how long they will last. You should plan to come sooner rather than later. Berry season is only about 30 days long. (Luckily, blueberries are also easy to freeze.)

Here are some of the beautiful folks that came out on opening day to pick.
