HUGE Blackberries!

BlackberryHandLook at these Huge Blackberries!  We are open this week on Tuesday June 9th and Friday June 12th, 2015 for picking.  The Blackberries in West Point, Georgia are ripening quickly now.  They are delicious and grown sustainably with no pesticides.  Here is a picture I took of some picked just now.  These thornless blackberries are Giants!

We’ve made it easy for you!

We provide 3 sizes of buckets to pick into that have a liner.  You keep this liner to take your berries home.  This lets you transport your berries in the most gentle fashion.  The sizes are: a generous pint, quart, and 2½ quart pails.  Prices are $3.75,  $7.00,  and $15.00.

The weather has been beautiful these past several days.  Mornings and evenings are perfect for picking, that is why we have our hours at  7 – 11AM and then 4 – 7PM.  We have a picnic table in the shade.  We have drinking water and facilities available.  Plan to take your time and enjoy yourself while relaxing.  If you want to bring a picnic, you are welcome to do so.  On Friday, it would be wise to bring a blanket to sit on while you enjoy the music event!  See the sidebar for more information on that. (mobile devices scroll down)
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RabbitEye Farm signWe also have a new sign.  Here is a quick photo.  It looked a lot bigger while it was in our living room, just like a Christmas tree looks smaller when its outside.  To keep the cost minimal, we worked really hard and the whole family pitched in to make it.  We installed it with some volunteer help digging the 3½ foot hole.  What a project!  So, now you will know you are in the right place when you see it.  We have some wildflowers planted near it, but they aren’t quite ready to bloom.

ripening blackberriesThere is plenty of parking, and we hope to see you soon.



Ripening Blackberry SeasonTuesday June 2nd 2015 marks the very first opening of our Pick & Pay Blackberry season.  Look in the right hand sidebar to see the latest information about availability, hours and picking days.  (Phones or small screens may need to scroll down to view.)  We are totally new, so this is our very first picking season.  It’s exciting and a bit daunting.  We are anticipating having to make changes while we figure out customer response, how long the plants need to recover, and how to best deal with fickle weather patterns.  It will be an adventure, so we hope you plan to share it with us.

I took these photos of the ripening berries about 5 minutes ago, so everything is still soaked with rain.  The plants are loving it though, and the berries are clean.  We do not use any pesticides anyway.  We only farm with organic practices.  Blackberries are so good for you.  They are low in calories and high in antioxidants and contain numerous vitamins and minerals.  Health benefits shown through scientific studies report that they can help you fight against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.  Eating unprocessed, organic, farm fresh berries is especially healthy.  Click HERE for more information on the health benefits of eating Blackberries.

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We have a special event series planned for a few Fridays in June and July, which you will probably be VERY INTERESTED in!  More on this shortly.


That’s a 2-Cat Swarm!

Swarm season can be an exciting time of year if you are adept at catching bees.  We’ve seen and captured a lot of swarms over the years… some with quite a bit of effort… and some with unsatisfactory results.  So far this year, we have had the easiest time yet.  Here are three different 2015 swarm stories and we are only one week into the season!

Last year, after simultaneously getting konked on the head with a pair of limb clippers while jumping off of a 6 foot stepladder and getting rained on by angry bees, I was determined to find a better way of catching swarms.  With some research I found that bees swarm first and make a game plan second.  Seems a little risky to me, but that’s what they do.  Once they cluster on a branch they send scouts to find a suitable home.  These scouts measure the volume of a potential place and report back to the cluster.  They like the volume to be close to that of a brood chamber, which is the large wooden box at the bottom of a Langstroth hive.  See this post for hive components.  Besides measuring for volume, they tend to like places that are about 6 feet off the ground and at the edge of a wooded area.  Facing a meadow or open area is a nice touch as is an aroma of lemongrass oil.  (I’m not kidding)  They also like the potential nesting place to be dark, so a solid bottom board is a must.  They also prefer to make their honeycomb on a 45 degree angle, so placing an older frame with comb on it in the box on an angle is attractive to them.  I put a reducer at the entrance too, so the bees can be sure they can defend themselves once they move in.

Swarm-05 So, with this new knowledge, I put up a bait hive with the aforementioned parameters this Spring.  Our very first swarm was spotted about 30 feet in the air on a pine branch, so there was no way we could have reached it without a bucket truck.  I watched it all day to see what would happen… The bait hive was within sight of the swarm cluster.  I noticed a few scout bees at the bait hive at first and then I noticed that there were bees going in and out of the bait hive, but the swarm was still in the tree.  At one point I was convinced that another swarm had already moved in and the swarm I had been watching was going to be out of luck.  As it turns out those bees must have been busy sweeping before the queen arrived, as all of a sudden the swarm cluster broke apart from the tree branch and disappeared, then it reappeared on the bait hive and all the bees funneled in!  That was rather exciting, and I must say was a lot easier than the ladder fiasco.

Swarm-48I mentioned that honeybees swarm first and think second.  On this next swarm, I’m sure the decision to swarm on the morning of a thunderstorm, was not popular.  You can see in this next photo that the bees are clustered on this tiny pine tree and practically touch the ground.  The bees are soaked with rain, and we probably would not have even noticed them had we not walked right by there.  It’s debatable whether this swarm or the bait hive swarm were easier.  On the bait hive, we carried the whole hive to where we wanted it and just set it on it’s cinder block foundation.  On this wet swarm, we placed a few pieces of plastic foamcore on the ground and then clipped off the tree at the base.

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Swarm-47On this third swarm, we were a little skeptical when we got the call.  There had been bees in this particular house before and it was an extensive removal some years ago.  Not wanting to tackle anything that entailed ripping out walls, we asked a bunch of questions over the phone like, are the bees flying in and out of a hole or are they just sitting there?… How long have they been there?  How many bees do you see?

Well, really, have you ever tried to count bees?  It’s difficult to picture just how many are in a cluster.  What looks like five thousand to you may look like 10,000 to someone else, so beekeepers usually measure swarms in “cats”.  Yes, cats.  Now, I know that cats vary in size, but that’s what we do.  We compare the size of the swarm to how many cats it looks like.  It’s not rocket science, so a good ballpark reference is way better than a guess.  A 1-cat reference is clearer than saying, “Oh, I dunno, maybe 35,000.”  Most swarms are 1-cat.  A 3-cat swarm is a whopper, and the lady on the phone said without a doubt that this was a really large 1-cat swarm. Yep, definitely one cat.  She was rather fascinated by the way we measured and it wasn’t until we arrived that I understood why she found the cat reference profound.  When we got there, we were happily surprised to see that it was a solid 2-cat swarm, maybe even 2-cats and a kitten!  After looking at it for a minute, it was astonishing to see the definite outline of a cat.  No wonder she was so sure it was a one cat swarm!  Can’t argue with that.

RabbitEye Farm is a guest contributor for the Chattahoochee Valley Beekeepers Association bee-blog.
